Gambaran Growth Mindset pada Siswa Pesisir Surabaya


  • Andi Maulida Rahmania Universitas Hang Tuah
  • Dessy Nur Utami Universitas Hang Tuah


coastal students, growth mindset


Student growth mindset can determine motivation, school learning, and also can predict better academic performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the growth mindset of Surabaya coastal students, especially in the Bulak sub-district, Surabaya. Growth mindset measurement is measured by two scales, namely the mindset scale which consists of the growth mindset and the fixed mindset scale. There were 374 students in Bulak sub-district Surabaya who were involved in this research as respondents. Data analysis in this research use descriptive statistic and cross tabulation. The results of this study are (1) Most of the coastal students in the Bulak sub-district of Surabaya, have a growth mindset  and fixed mindset in the medium category, (2) There are differences in the level of growth mindset of coastal students seen from the gender of students. (3) There is a significant relationship between growth mindset and further study of the students.


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