Kepuasan Kerja Dan Kebahagiaan Di Tempat Kerja : Studi Meta Analisis
happiness at work, job satisfaction, meta-analysisAbstract
Happiness at work is important for workers because if they are not happy it will disrupt all activities at work. Happiness at work involves general satisfaction. However, in this study, the researcher focused the research discussion on job satisfaction. The aim of conducting a meta-analysis study is to find out the relationship between job satisfaction and happiness at work. The data analysis technique used meta-analysis techniques by considering the effect size. The number of samples in this study was 53485 respondents from 20 studies who were deemed to meet the criteria. The results of this meta-analysis study show that there is a significant positive correlation between job satisfaction and happiness at work, which shows a correlation range between 0.33 to 0.53, with a confidence level of 95%. Then, the heterogeneity test showed good results and there was no publication bias (p<0.01).
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