Publication Ethics


Procedure for Manuscript Writing

 1. Writing Requirements

a) The manuscript is written in English.

b) How to write scientific names must pay attention to the rules of writing that apply.

c) Terms and names originating from languages other than those used in the text must be in the italic or underline form.

2. Forms of Easter.

a) Manuscript written with MS Word, time new romance 12 with double spaces, a maximum of 6000 words.

b) Font 12 A4 with 4 cm left edge, 3 cm top, 3 cm right, and 3 cm bottom.

c) The manuscript has never been published in a journal or other publication.

3. Easter Organization

a) A concise and clear title (maximum of 10 words) in Indonesian and English for manuscripts in Indonesian or English and Indonesian for manuscripts in English.

b) The researcher's name is written under the title of the manuscript (tanpagelar), the name of the agency, and e-mail address. If the author is more than one, each is given a *) and a description.

c) Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English if the manuscript is in Indonesian or English and Indonesian for manuscripts in English, each with a "Key Word" ("Key Word") of up to 5 words.

d) Introduction, is an explanation to the reader about the background of the relevant research, the reasons why the research was carried out, the purpose of the study, and the usefulness of the research.

e) Research Methods.

Contains information about the research method (place, time, research method, data analysis, and statistical tests used).

f) Results and Discussion

Research Results, expressed in the form of a table or figure with a description of the results of statistical and or qualitative analysis used.

The discussion, contains a concise and important statement of the findings and the theoretical basis underlying it, as a result of research that leads to the conclusion.


The results of the study and discussion are expressed in a series of discussions for each of the observational parameters made in the study.

g) Conclusions and Suggestions.

Conclusion, is a summary of the results of the discussion in the form of short sentences, solid, and adjusted to the hypothesis. Suggestions can be made in the form of an appreciation or thank you if deemed necessary and directly related to the person and the implementation of research.

h) Bibliography.

Literature cited in the manuscript is only written by the author and the year is only in accordance with applicable regulations. Literature writing in the Bibliography is done in the order of the Author's Name, year of publication or writing, the title of the paper, and the identity or person in charge of the publication of the writing which ends with the city of the publication of the writing. Bibliography is preferably sourced from the results of research (journals) no later than 5 (five) years, and if sourced from text books no later than 10 (ten) years. Literature sequence is done in accordance with the alphabet (alphabet).

i) Every Politico Journal publication is only listed once for each person, it is not justified for each person to be listed more than once.

Manuscripts published in Journal Politico must pay Rp. 250.000, - (for internal parties, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jember) and Rp. 350,000 (for parties outside the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jember), each author is entitled to receive 2 (two) exp published journals. The addition of the amount of exp required is reimbursing the printing costs of Rp. 75,000 per experience (Java) and Rp. 100,000 per exp. (Outside of Java).