Studi Korelasi: Self-Compassion dan Psychological Well-Being Remaja Perempuan Korban Pelecehan Seksual di Surakarta


  • Alifia Nur Ifany Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Berliana Widi Scarvanovi


adolescent female, psychological well-being, self-compassion, sexual harassment


Sexual harassment often experienced by women can impact their psychological well-being. To achieve high-quality psychological well-being, individuals need to treat themselves well or have self-compassion. This research aims to explore the correlation between self-compassion and psychological well-being in female adolescent who have experienced sexual harassment in Surakarta. Sample selection utilized cluster sampling and purposive sampling techniques. The study sampel consists of 143 female adolescent aged 16 – 17 who have experienced sexual harassment and live in Surakarta. The study utilized the self-compassion scale (α = 0.876) and the psychological well-being scale (α = 0.812). Data analysis involved simple linear regression analysis. The results indicate a significant correlation between self-compassion and psychological well-being in female adolescents who have experienced sexual harassment in Surakarta (p < 0.05), with a moderate strength of association (R = 0.494). Self-compassion contributes to 24.4% of the variance in psychological well-being, while the remaining 75.6% is attributed to unexplored factors in this study.


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