About the Journal

ELLITE Journal is an OPEN ACCESS journal which aims to provide opportunity for research to publish research articles of analyses, studies, research reports, application of theories, material development, and reviews. The scopes of the journal cover English Language, English linguistics, English literature, and English teaching. 

Authors are encouraged to publish their manuscripts on English linguistics fields, such as phonology, semantics, syntax, sociolinguistics, and other related fields of linguistics. 

Manuscripts on English literature, encompassing those of American literature viewed from various aspects in literature are of this journal interest.

ELLITE Journal also publishes manuscripts on English teaching accross school levels. Fields of interest include instructional media, teaching and learning strategie, learner's differences, and best practices in language teaching.

The journal website has migrated to this website (ejurnal.unmuhjember.ac.id/index.php/ELLITE) since January 2023. Authors, readers, and all subscribers of this journal can access our past website at jurnal.unmuhjember.ac.id/index.php/ELLITE/issue/archive for past issues (Volume 1 No 1 May 2016 until Volume 7 No 2 November 2022).