Author Guidelines


Journal of Humanities Community Empowermentcontains writings of downstream research on community organizations, industry, and related agencies in order to increase community participation in development, community empowerment, and/or community service. The article was sent to

Journal of Humanities Community Empowermentmust be original, meaning that it has never been published in another journal, is being considered for publication in another journal, and is free from plagiarism. The manuscript should be between 3500-7000 words.

The manuscript was written using A4 paper; Lato typed single spaces, Word 2003 upwards, the lower and right upper margins were 3cm, and the left 2cm.

The article is written systematically with Title, Author Name, Abstract, Introduction, Method of implementation, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgment, and References.

TITLE: A concise and clear title, no more than 15 words, giving a brief description of the contents of the article and the subject of devotion. Avoid abbreviations, formulas, and jargon. [Lato, 16, Bold, Space 1].

AUTHOR: The author's name is stated without an academic title, accompanied by the name and address of the original institution, and placed under the title of the article. The author is expected to group, not a single author. The main author must include a correspondence address or email. [Lato, 11, Bold, Space 1]

ABSTRACT, written in Indonesian and English. Contains information on the summary of reasons and objectives of community service carried out, scope, method of implementation, results, and conclusions. The number of words contains ± 200 words. After the abstract below, enter the keyword at least three words. [Lato, 10, space 1]

INTRODUCTION: Contains a description of the problem or reason why community service is carried out. If the activity is a repetition or modification, please explain the argument, referring to the literature that becomes the basis or reason for community service. State the program objectives, program usefulness targets, and outcomes. [Lato, 11, space 1]

METHODS: Provide complete information on how activities are carried out, starting from the time, place, and use of tools and materials. The way of working and analyzing data is written clearly and concisely. [Lato, 11, space 1]

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. This section explains briefly what is obtained from community service activities that contain the validity of the results of the implementation of community service activities, its relationship with the results of dedication that were published and leads to conclusions. It should be noted in this section that data related to the purpose of community service and unnecessary data should not be displayed. [Lato, 11, space 1]

CONCLUSIONS: Conclusions are written critically, carefully, logically, and honestly based on the facts obtained. Suggestions relating to the implementation or results of Community Service: Suggestions do not appear to be non-existent. [Lato, 11, space 1]

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (if any): Gratitude is conveyed to (1) the party who deserves to receive the statement; (2) To the institution or person who really helps Community Service; (3) To the funder, facilities, materials, or suggestions. [Lato, 11, space 1]

REFERENCES: The number of libraries does not need much, and the most important is the quality of reference libraries (primary, current, relevant to the maximum of the last ten years). [Lato, 11, space 1]. Use Mendeley software or the like. How to refer the author in the body of the article must mention the author's last name and year. Example: (Mitchel, 2012), or Mitchel (2012). Referrals through the second author should be avoided wherever possible.

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