Publication Frequencys

Journal of Humanities Community Empowerment is a national journal that contains the results of community service and empowerment activities in the form of application in various scientific fields such as education, engineering, social humanities, computers and science and economics.

Journal of Humanities Community Empowerment Published every 3 months, namely March, June, September and December.


Jurnal Humaniora Community Empowerment merupakan jurnal nasional yang memuat hasil-hasil kegiatan pengabdian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam bentuk penerapan dalam berbagai bidang keilmuan seperti pendidikan, teknik, sosial humaniora, komputer serta sains dan ekonomi.

Jurnal Humaniora Community Empowerment Terbit setiap 3 bulan sekali, yaitu Maret, Juni, September dan Desember.