Improving Skills and Development of Banana-Based Businesses in Sarikemuning Village Through Innovative Packaging Processing and Design Training




Banana processing, banana chips, product packaging, training, community empowerment


The banana chip processing training in Sarikemuning Village aims to improve community skills in producing and packaging processed banana products with better quality and higher attractiveness. This activity involved 20 participants who were given technical materials and direct practice related to product processing and packaging. The evaluation was conducted through questionnaires and direct observations, which showed the active participation and enthusiasm of the participants. The initial impact of this training can be seen in improving the ability of participants to produce banana chips as well as awareness of the importance of attractive packaging in marketing. The training report is prepared systematically, including the results of the evaluation, the obstacles faced, and recommendations for further training. Advanced monitoring shows the application of the skills that participants have acquired in their efforts. Overall, this training makes a significant contribution to the development of small businesses in the village and opens up wider economic opportunities for the Sarikemuning community


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How to Cite

ok, D., & Murwanti, R. (2024). Improving Skills and Development of Banana-Based Businesses in Sarikemuning Village Through Innovative Packaging Processing and Design Training. Journal Of Humanities Community Empowerment, 2(3), 95–102.